Welcome to 2022 !
Its that time of the year to think about how you can refresh your Website & Content to get more interested parties looking at your website for ideas.
This blog goes into detail about some simple ideas to refresh your website and we are here to help !

1. LOOK - Update Photos, add a new page or content, zhuzh up your fonts
Time to upload some fresh pics maybe your holiday shots just to show you are human and you agree with work, life, balance concept.
Add some new blogs or articles to help people get a handle on the new year like how to plan for seasons or family events, home decor and entertaining as well as children's school and playtime ideas.
My favourite refresh to a website is using all the new fonts available to re-design and zhuzh your headings and titles to pop ! It's amazing how many fonts are designed in one year - Wix website editor has an amazing range of stylish fonts or if you want to upload your own font you can get loads of ideas from this famous website dafonts.com
2. KEYWORDS - Rework your headings and titles with the year’s most popular keywords & phrases searched
Time to do a little research on your product or service and look up trends for most searched keywords and trends for 2021. Ensure these popular terms and keywords are used throughout your website and blog or in descriptions of your products and services. You can use Google's popular tool for trending keywords for both Australia and World Wide https://trends.google.com/trends WOW - No longer COVID it's now the WORLD CUP trending!
3. COLOURS - Add some new vibrant colours and shapes to theme up with any new year’s trends Every year colour trends change or rotate and it's a great idea to keep your user's interested in your site by giving the impression your website is brand NEW just by selecting a new popular colour theme.
For so long we have had wonderful calming tones and beachy whites and blues which I never get sick of. For 2022 I predict PLUM and HOT PINK will be strong contenders to design websites and flyers. I think Better Homes and Gardens are bang on in the articles on choosing colours checkout this beautiful purple hue colour range.
You can always check a colour wheel to see what matches with these shades or pop into your local paint decorating shop.

4. DATES - Don’t forget to update any dates
like your copyright declaration (see example below)
Website in a Wink © Copyright 2023 Designed by Sandy Andreopoulos. All Rights Reserved. Copyright is a inclusion statement to advise website customers and users to read terms for copying images or content for own use. We recommend you read more about copyright via Copyright Australia www.copyright.com.au if you have something really special you wish to protect you should always register your copyright and trademarks.
5. EXPERIENCE - Review your customers most Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs and add clear responses on your website
Do you offer FREE delivery ? YES
Do you ship overseas ? YES
Do you offer PAYPAL ? YES
Customers usually do research before they buy with your business or online and if they can't find the answer to their questions they may leave your website and go to a competitor that has all the answers.
The more you add to your website to answer and help your customers questions the less you will have to answer phones calls and emails saving you both time and money.
Test and improve your user’s experience on every page including payment process
It's a great idea to go through each website page just like a customer does all the way through to purchasing and processing a payment even testing the contact page etc to test speed issues and usability.
Now you have refreshed and updated your Website, Blog or Google its time to share it and go viral on Social Media 🎉